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FC Košice

Aug 26, 2022 |
At yesterday's meeting, the disciplinary commission punished FC Spartak Trnava by closing several sectors in the match against Liptovský Mikuláš. Practically the entire northern stand will have to be without spectators. Therefore, we ask fans who have already purchased tickets for sectors 1 to 5 and 29 to 33 or have season tickets in these sectors to move to other sectors, from 34 to 36, during the match.
We select from the official report:
On the basis of the Report of the delegate from the meeting, the initiative of the SFZ delegate through submission to the ISSF and the attached photo documentation, for the HNS of the spectators (use of pyrotechnics, vulgar shouts and expressions defaming belonging to the nationality in the 60th minute of the meeting) and insufficient US (allowing the introduction of pyrotechnics) during the meeting 6th round FL FC Spartak Trnava – FK DAC 1904 D. Wednesday according to art. 57/1b and Art. 58/2a, b, g DP imposes DS - a financial fine of 500 euros, according to Art. 57/2, Art. 58/3 and Art. 12/6 DP. On the basis of U805 (conditional postponement, competition year 2021/2022), DS imposes - playing a home match without spectators in sectors 01 to 05 and 29 to 33 for 1 competition match, according to Art. 26/2.4 DP, from 29 August 2022.