Kultúra a šport patria k sebe a vzájomne…

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FC Košice

Oct 27, 2022 |
Sereď, 4. kolo, Slovnaft Cup 2022/2023, streda 26. 10. o 14:30
0:3 (0:1)
Leckéši – Ďurina (56. Bohuš), Remeň, Hladík, Kovchar, Mihálek, Mpofu (66. Púchlo), Mikeš (66. Sklenár), T. Vantruba (90. Delinčák), Vida (90. Pavlovčík), Michalička
M. Vantruba – Koštrna, Štetina, Kóša (71. Ujlaky), Mikovič (71. Čurma) – Azevedo (46. Ali Baba), Bukata (71. Karhan), Procházka, Oseni – Ristovski, Boateng (61. Iván)
Goals: 38. Ristovski (Mikovič), 68. Iván, 75. Iván (P)
Yellow cards: Mihálek – Boateng, Oseni
Judge: Michal Smolák
Spectators: 885
After the initial introduction, Ristovski came up with a great pass to Boateng, who found himself alone in front of the goalkeeper, but he improved his position for so long that he squeezed out from a good angle. Azevedo then sent the finish high above. In the 20th minute, Bukata collided with Ristovski, fired from outside the penalty area, and the ball hit the crossbar. The first half took place in Sered's half. While the Spartans were looking for a space where they could get to the end, the home team tried to disrupt their passing, at least on the edge of the penalty area. It wasn't until the 38th minute that Mikovič charged the ball on the left wing, entered the penalty area, passed it back to Ristovke, who opened the score of the match from the first. Paradoxically, after the goal, the home team came alive and pressed more in front of M. Vantruba. Just before the break, Michalička had a one-hundred-percent chance, but he only fired the ball into the goalkeeper from close range.
Prvú šancu druhého polčas mal domáci Mikeš, ale netrafil v dobrej pozícii bránku. Na opačnej strane prestrčil Oseni loptu na Ristovskeho, ale ten namieril len do bočnej siete. V 68. min zachytil striedajúci Alex Iván zlú rozohrávku brankára, naviedol si loptu na pravú stranu a prudkou strelou zvýšil skóre zápasu. Iván mohol krátko nato aj zvýšiť, keď ho nádherným centrom našiel Ali Baba, ale hlavou zblízka netrafil bránku. Iván sa dočkal, keď po centri Čurmu zahral rukou v šestnástke jeden z obrancov a Alex pridal z penalty svoj druhý gól. Vo zvyšných minútach sa už len dohrával zápas, v ktorom bolo o postupujúcom do osemfinále rozhodnuté.
Michal Gašparík (Trnava): "I had to conquer and open up the opponent's defense from the beginning. We didn't score the first goal early, so we needed to be patient. We were in control of the whole match, except maybe for the fact that Michalička had a chance after losing one fight. We were waiting to break the game with the second goal, which came in the second half."