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Home / News / Spartak handed Dukla a loss on their home field

Spartak handed Dukla a loss on their home field

Ľuboš Sarnovský |

Oct 8, 2022 |


Banská Bystrica, 13th round, Fortuna League 2022/2023, Saturday 8 October. at 18:00



FK Dukla Banská Bystrica:

Hruška – Migala, Willwéber, Uhrinčať, Záhumenský – Slávik (73. Mayounga), Lupták, Faško, Richtárech (57. Franko), Rymarenko (57. Depetris) – Polievka

FC Spartak Trnava:

Takáč – Koštrna, Kóša, Štetina, Mikovič – Daniel (90. Ujlaky), Procházka (90. Karhan), Savvidis, Štefánik (81. Čurma), Taiwo (68. Azevedo) – Ristovski

Goals: 41. Štefánik (Taiwo), 88. Mayounga vlastný

Yellow cards: Migaľa – Savvidis

Judge:  Michal Očenáš

Spectators: 2453

Half time: (0:1)

Nothing interesting happened until the 7th minute. Then Štefánik played a corner, the goalkeeper boxed the ball so that it fell from a height to the crossbar for a long time, but the defense finally diverted it to safety with effort. In the 10th minute, after another corner, the Trnava players played a short game, Daniel guided the ball into the penalty area and aimed a technical shot into the far corner, but missed a bit. Then Savvidis shot into the same corner from a distance, but Hruška caught the ball. Trnava gradually took the initiative, but after a series of mistakes in the 23rd minute, after a quick break, Faško got to the end, but Takač caught his shot. Two minutes later, Procházka skillfully freed himself on the wing, passed back to Ristovskeha, who shot from the first, but shot over from the corner. Moments later, Daniel shot from an angle, Hruška took off, Mikovič had two opportunities to finish, but in both cases he did not burn through the wall of bodies in front of him. On the opposite side, Slávik tried his luck from a distance and his spot-kick just narrowly missed Takač's goal. On the edge of the penalty area, Mikovič also got free to take a shot, but his ground shot only went into the middle, directly at the goalkeeper. Just before halftime, Taiwo exchanged the ball with Štefánik on the left side, who decided to shoot and hit the far post with a cross shot on the ground.

Highlights MFK Dukla Banská Bystrica – FC Spartak Trnava 0:2 (0:1)

At the beginning of the second, Procházek played a direct kick from a good distance, he managed to shoot the wall, but the ball flew next to the post from the wrong side. The Spartans had a great chance in the 57th minute, when Procházka shot first after Mikovič's pass, hit the defender, Ristovski sent the ball into the open goal with his head and one of the defenders headed it on the line. The tempo of the game dropped, the Bystrica team could not get the ball into the dangerous area for a long time. It wasn't until the 73rd minute that they got a break on the right side, the ball reached Fašek, who missed a great chance from a turn. In the opposite penalty area, Daniel ran onto a pass for the defense, fired a volley, but Hruška went in front of him, but there was no one to reach him. Dukla's misery was finally ended by Mayoung's own player. Procházka played a direct kick with an unsuccessful cross, which the goalkeeper of Banská Bystrica could have comfortably taken, but the disoriented Mayounga headed it clearly past his own goalkeeper Hruška.

Press conference of MFK Dukla Banská Bystrica – FC Spartak Trnava


Michal Ščasný (Dukla): "We played a difficult match against one of the best teams in the league, which has an excellent defense. It was a very poor performance from our side, especially in the offensive, except for one shot, we had nothing at all. In the second half, we switched to three defenders, but this suited Spartak and they could play on breaks. We may have had an optical advantage, but only two or three hints of chances. If we want to be successful against Trnava, we have to convert them, that's how it was a well-deserved victory."

Michal Gašparík (Trnava): "At the beginning of the match, we were able to get to the penalty area, but we couldn't finish and most of them went over the goal. Until Štefánik's shot came and that helped us. In the second half, we wanted to score a second goal, and of the chances we had, one should have fallen. We left it open for too long and Bystrica was still in the game. In the end, they had two chances that went wide. It was only his own goal that broke it, and then it was over."

Oct 8, 2022
Oct 8, 2022